Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Seminar Thoughts

Kinaesthetics-movement, position, bodies in space

Raum Plan-psychological/ social dimension of positioning

Process-working methods & craft

Order and Experience

Architecture and design Discourse and theory vis a vis realms of:

Ordinary and Extraordinary
Spectacle and Situations

Simple and Simplistic
Poetic and Banal

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Class Ideas-Rep 1 & 2

Representation & Analysis-Entire year

Craft & Making (( Exploration and research))
Ability to develop and employ tools and techniques for:
Drawing, seeing, making in a critical manner
Media shifts-cad, model, sketch, drafted

Relations between representation and experience.
Exchanges between design, history, materials through a creative process
Observation, documentation, interpretation, proposition

Fall:( Laptop Requirement?)
Sketching-hand and eye control and exchange
Measured Drawing-Measuring, Section,orthographics, perspective, (all on
the computer or partially)
Modelling-plaster, paper, assemblies, formworks
CAD/ 3d modelling ( Rhino, Sketchup)

Making a work to be occupied or used that is developed through
transformations of scale, material, technique.(e.g the "big egg" that goes
from sketch to drawing to plaster to scaled and fabricated.

Freedom to develop and expectation that the work is developed through a
variety of tools and techniques.

look at interiors, sculpture, installation art, architecture

Representation (Communication) and Analysis ( Critique)

((Effective and provocative presentations))
Working backwards from a ideal or goal ( e.g. book about, drawing about, "
client needs to have a x about...") a thing or requirement is established,
with high expectations of craft.

Analysis-critique, interpretation and transformation.
of a place, a site, a work.
(( exhibition of a important work in a particular space, where there is a
hypothetical client dictating certain expectations.)

Look at examples of the means which arch and interiors are communicated (
individual research programs.)
Look at the works themselves

look at photography, painting
model photography, renderings, discuss when and why one should be made.
Discuss minimal/ maximal

MTN Siza

Part 1 Matosinhos, Leca, Tavora
Part 2 Vila Do Conde-Borges Bank
Part 3a Porto, FAUP,
Part 3 b Serralves, Avenida do Ponte,
Part 3 c Avenida do Ponte,
Part 4 Evora
Part 5a Chiado
Part 5b Lisboa, Expo 98
Part 6 Marco de Canavesses
Part 7a Santiago De Compestella
Part 7 B Santiago De Compestella
Part 8 Madrid
Part 9 Ibero Carmago Museu-Porto Alegre
Part 10 Setubal
Part 11 Alicante
Part 12 Aveiro
Part 13 Evora-library
Part 14 Valencia

Siza-Elogia de Luz/ Faup Videos

Elogia de Luz

Siza 1
Siza 2
Siza 3
Siza 4


Anyang Garden

Viana Library

Monday, June 22, 2009

Math Models

Hepworth Studio

Barbara Hepworth

New Art Centre



Orthographic Projection
Low Tech/ Low Fi/ Elemental
Settings, Situations, Events


Time-Deep and Shallow
Invention & Precedent
Social Relations and Constructs
Politics & Social Transformation
Values & Taste
Context, Integrity & Autonomy
Cultural Productions/ Productions of Culture


Beauty, Aesthetics
Modernism & Modernity
Social Programmes
Process, craft, methods of production
Banal, Everyday
Ambiguous and Explicit works
Invention, experimentation and proposition
Light & Dark/ Shadows
Experience and Knowledge-(life actions and the pursuit of...)
Public & Private motivations and Identities

Adorno-Mass Media, Mass Consciousness
Chomsky-Political propaganda
Religion, Secularism, Corporatist, Authoritarianism, Communism, Capitalism
Edward Said- Beginnings and Social Commentary

Installation Art
Performance Art
Rudolf Arnheim
Paul Klee
Francis Bacon
Film-Hitchcock, Wenders

Philosophy & Theory
Phenomenology & Perception
Merleau Ponty
Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, Jacques Ranciere
Michel Foucault
Joyce, Pasolini, Pessoa, Pynchon
John Dewey, Pragmatism, "Art as Experience"
Umberto Eco- Open Work

Architects & Architecture
Alvaro Siza
Le Corbusier, Eileen Gray, Adolf Loos
Herzog DeMeuron, Peter Zumthor, David Adjaye
Alvar Aalto

Interiors-Interiority and Inhabitation
Form, Surface-Drawing
Precedent, Tradition, Historicism, Context and Relational Autonomy

Sunday, June 21, 2009